Joan Bellmann

Former elementary school teacher
Mental health advocate

Rudy Bellmann

Former high school special education teacher
Mental health advocate

Susan Whitty

Nurse practitioner and counselor
Mental health advocate

John Curtis

Former president of Mental Health America
of Dubuque County
Mental health advocate

Mary Honchar

Mental health advocate

Jim Unsen

Mental health advocate



We would like to take this opportunity to explain how the Envision Mental Health Endowment Fund came into being.

In the summer of 2005, Envision Dubuque organized small neighborhood groups who got together to brainstorm ideas that would make the Dubuque area an ideal place to live and work. There were over 2000 ideas submitted by the community.  A selection committee narrowed down the list to 100 ideas and the general public voted on their favorites choosing the final top ten.  These were announced at a press conference on January 3, 2006.

One of the top 10 priorities was improved Mental Health Services. Advocates for this cause formed the Envision Mental Health Task Force.  The needs assessment identified three general areas to focus on:​

1.  Access to a full array of services so that those who need mental health services can get them.

2.  More diversified housing services that better guarantees rehabilitation and prevention of relapse. A safe, stable, therapeutic environment with needed support services reduces the inpatient revolving door cycle that increases costs.

3.  Better transportation for individuals who have difficulty finding transportation and/or do not have the financial means to get to and from their counseling, medication, and health appointments and as a result do not go. Attending appointments is essential for successful treatment.

The above targeted areas come with a price tag. Our goal is to establish a $500,000 endowment fund that awards grants to local non-profit mental health providers who meet the identified priorities.  An endowment fund provides support beyond our lifespan meeting future needs. Over time, priorities may change and community needs can be reassessed.  

“As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation -- either to react with bitterness, or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course."

Martin Luther King Jr.